# Script to look at and reduce eMERLIN data with CASA 4.2.2 or later # This version starts with averaged and sorted data for 3C277.1 May 2015 # Data can be downloaded as # wget -c http://almanas.jb.man.ac.uk/amsr/3C277p1/all_avg.ms.tar # wget -c http://almanas.jb.man.ac.uk/amsr/3C277p1/3C286_C.clean.model.tt0.tar # wget -c http://almanas.jb.man.ac.uk/amsr/3C277p1/all_avg_1.flags # Steps 1-3 are not included here as they are the routine preparation # of the full data set (many tens G) including sorting and averaging. # Steps 4 and 5 must be run first to flag bad data. # The calibration starts with step 6 # Consult http://www.e-merlin.ac.uk/data_red/CASA/3C277.1_cal.html # to establish the inputs for tasks and then fill them in the gaps ** below. ############################# # ENTER THE NUMBER OF THE STEP(s) TO RUN (e.g. [6,7] # To run interactively, define: # mysteps = [s1, s2, ..] with the steps you want to run step_title = {#1: 'Import data and list', #2: 'Sort and fixvis data and concatenate', #3: 'Time and channel average data', 4: 'Check averaged data are present, inspect, quack and flag by channel', 5: 'Flagging by time', 6: 'Delay calibration', 7: 'Setting the flux of 1331+305', 8: 'Initial bandpass calibration, pre-gaincal inspection', 9: 'Gain calibration of calibration sources', 10: 'Determine and set fluxes of other calibrators', 11: 'Derive bandpass with spectral index', 12: 'Amp gain calibration of phase ref', 13: 'Apply calibration from cal sources to all sources', 14: 'Split out target'} bases=['0319+415','1252+5634','1302+5748','1331+305','1407+284'] target = '**' # 3C277.1 phref = '**' # J1302+5748 bpcal = '**' # 3C84, OQ208 leakcal = '**' # 3C84 - if not observed, use BP cal fluxcal = '**' # 3C286, also pol angle cal. calsources=phref+','+bpcal+','+fluxcal # list of unique sources antref='Mk2' # refant - usually - change if known to be bad. eMfactor = 0.938 # Flux scale factor if VLA values for 3C286 are used gui = True # False makes plot files only; True displays 'live' (needs interaction) thesteps = [] try: print 'List of steps to be executed ...', mysteps thesteps = mysteps except: print 'global variable mysteps not set' if (thesteps==[]): thesteps = range(0,15) print 'Executing all steps: ', thesteps ### 4) Check data, list and identify end channels to flag mystep = 4 if(mystep in thesteps): print 'Step ', mystep, step_title[mystep] # Check whether data need loading if not os.path.exists('all_avg.ms'): print 'Please check that all_avg.ms is in this directory' exit() # Listobs os.system('rm -rf all_avg.listobs.txt') listobs(vis=**, overwrite=True, listfile='all_avg.listobs.txt') plotants(vis=**, figfile='plotants.png') # Default will be to use plotms plotuv(vis=**, maxnpts=10000000,symb='.', field='1302+5748', figfile='1302+5748_uv.png') # Back up original flag state flagmanager(vis='all_avg.ms', mode='save', versionname='pre_quack') # Flag first quackinterval of each scan, before antennas all on source # Ascertain required interval in plotms # Inspect phase ref amp v. time, LL,RR, # average central chans, zoom in manually plotms(vis='all_avg.ms', field='1302+5748', spw='0~3:20~43', avgchannel='24', xaxis='time',yaxis='amp', antenna=antref+'&Pi', # change if necessary correlation='LL,RR', coloraxis='corr', showgui=gui, # change to F if necessary overwrite=True,plotfile='pre-quack.png') # Flag first 40 s of each scan for all sources flagdata(vis='all_avg.ms', mode='quack',quackinterval=40) # re-plot to check plotms(vis='all_avg.ms', field='', # check all sources spw='0~3:20~43', avgchannel='24', xaxis='time',yaxis='amp', antenna=antref+'&Pi', # change if necessary correlation='LL,RR', coloraxis='field', # Now separate fields showgui=gui, # change to F if necessary overwrite=True,plotfile='quacked.png') # Identify end channels to flag (same for all baselines/fields) plotms(vis='all_avg.ms', field='0319+415', gridrows=4,gridcols=1, xaxis='channel',yaxis='amp', antenna=antref+'&Kn', # change if necessary correlation='LL,RR', avgtime='99999', # if data mostly good avgscan=True, iteraxis='spw', coloraxis='corr', showgui=gui, # change to T if you want , overwrite=True,plotfile='0319+415_avg_amp-chan.png') os.system('mv 0319+415_avg_amp-chan?*.png 0319+415_avg_amp-chan.png') # Back up flags flagmanager(vis='all_avg.ms', mode='save', versionname='pre_endchans') # end chans flagdata(vis='all_avg.ms',mode='manual', spw='0:0~6;60~63,1:0~3;61~63,2:0~3;61~63,3:0~3;63') # plot again to confirm plotms(vis='all_avg.ms', field='0319+415', gridrows=4,gridcols=1, xaxis='channel',yaxis='amp', antenna=antref+'&Kn', # change if necessary correlation='LL,RR', avgtime='99999', # if data mostly good avgscan=T, iteraxis='spw', coloraxis='corr', showgui=gui, # change to T if you want , overwrite=True,plotfile='0319+415_flagged_avg_amp-chan.png') os.system('mv 0319+415_flagged_avg_amp-chan?*.png 0319+415_flagged_avg_amp-chan.png') # If you notice any other bad channels, check these in more detail ### 5) Flag bad data by timerange mystep = 5 if(mystep in thesteps): print 'Step ', mystep, step_title[mystep] flagmanager(vis='all_avg.ms', mode='save', versionname='pre_timeflagging') # Identify obvious bad data # If target is faint, don't flag until after some calibration # Here, it is bright enough to tell good from bad! # Generate all plots automatically: for f in bases: plotms(vis='all_avg.ms', gridrows=5,gridcols=1, field=f, avgchannel='64', xaxis='time',yaxis='amp', antenna=antref+'&*', # change if necessary correlation='LL,RR', iteraxis='baseline', coloraxis='corr', showgui=False, # change to True to inspect closely overwrite=True,plotfile=f+'_avg_amp-time.png') os.system('mv '+f+'_avg_amp-time?*.png '+f+'_avg_amp-time.png') # Plot one particular source: plotms(vis='all_avg.ms', gridrows=5,gridcols=1, field='0319+415', avgchannel='64', xaxis='time',yaxis='amp', antenna=antref+'&*', # change if necessary correlation='LL,RR', iteraxis='baseline', coloraxis='corr', showgui=gui) # If a source shows bad data, plot interactively and zoom/use locate # to find the time/antenna affected. # Write flag command file 'all_avg_1.flags' flagdata(vis='all_avg.ms', mode='list', inpfile='all_avg_1.flags') for f in bases: plotms(vis='all_avg.ms', gridrows=5,gridcols=1, field=f, avgchannel='64', xaxis='time',yaxis='amp', antenna=antref+'&*', # change if necessary correlation='LL,RR', iteraxis='baseline', coloraxis='corr', showgui=False, # change to True to inspect closely overwrite=True,plotfile=f+'_flagged_avg_amp-time.png') os.system('mv '+f+'_flagged_avg_amp-time?*.png '+f+'_flagged_avg_amp-time.png') ### CALIBRATION ### 6) Delay calibration mystep = 6 if(mystep in thesteps): print 'Step ', mystep, step_title[mystep] # If phase-ref is weak, do bp cals only first and apply to all # Here, phase ref is OK (see all sources have similar solutions). # Plot baselines to refant for one bright source # Phase against freq plotms(vis='all_avg.ms', field='0319+415', xaxis='frequency', gridrows=5,gridcols=1,iteraxis='baseline', yaxis='phase',ydatacolumn='data',antenna=antref+'&*', avgtime='60000',avgscan=True,correlation='LL,RR', coloraxis='corr', plotfile='0319+415_phase_pre-delay.png', showgui=gui, # change to T to inspect closely overwrite=True) os.system('mv 0319+415_phase_pre-delay?*.png 0319+415_phase_pre-delay.png') # Phase against freq per 10-min on bright source to test for # time stability plotms(vis='all_avg.ms', field='0319+415', xaxis='frequency', yaxis='phase',ydatacolumn='data',antenna=antref+'&Cm', avgtime='600',correlation='RR', coloraxis='time',plotfile='0319+415_phase10min_pre-delay.png', showgui=gui, # change to T to inspect closely overwrite=True) # amp against time, longest baseline, average all channels plotms(vis='all_avg.ms', field='0319+415', xaxis='time', spw='0~3',avgchannel='64',plotrange=[-1,-1,0,0.018], yaxis='amp',ydatacolumn='data',antenna=antref+'&Cm', avgtime='60',correlation='RR', coloraxis='spw',plotfile='0319+415_amp-allch_pre-delay.png', showgui=gui, # change to T to inspect closely overwrite=True) # amp against time, longest baseline, single channel plotms(vis='all_avg.ms', field='0319+415', xaxis='time', spw='0~3:55', plotrange=[-1,-1,0,0.018], yaxis='amp',ydatacolumn='data',antenna=antref+'&Cm', avgtime='60',correlation='RR', coloraxis='spw',plotfile='0319+415_amp-1ch_pre-delay.png', showgui=gui, # change to T to inspect closely overwrite=True) # Derive gain solutions os.system('rm -rf all_avg.K') gaincal(vis='all_avg.ms', caltable='all_avg.K', ** minblperant=2, minsnr=2) plotcal(caltable='all_avg.K', ** subplot=321, iteration='antenna', figfile='all_avg.K.png') ### 7) Setting the flux of 1331+305 mystep = 7 if(mystep in thesteps): print 'Step ', mystep, step_title[mystep] # This takes the e-MERLIN model (centred on 5.5 GHz) and scales it to # the zero spacing flux density (corected for spectral index and # curvature) at the observed frequencies, centred on 5.073 GHz. # However, because some of the flux is resolved-out by e-MERLIN, the # derived flux densities will later be rescaled by 0.938 to allow for # this. setjy(**) os.system('rm -rf 3C286_model.png') plotms(vis='all_avg.ms', field='1331+305', xaxis='uvwave', yaxis='amp', coloraxis='spw',ydatacolumn='model', correlation='LL,RR', showgui=gui, # change to T to inspect closely symbolsize=4, plotfile='3C286_model.png') ### 8) Initial bandpass calibration mystep = 8 if(mystep in thesteps): print 'Step ', mystep, step_title[mystep] # Pre-calibrate phase and amp as a function of time # First, phase: plot to estimate suitable solution interval # constrained by longest baseline plotms(vis='all_avg.ms', field='0319+415', xaxis='time', spw='0~3:55', yaxis='phase',ydatacolumn='data',antenna=antref+'&Cm', coloraxis='spw',plotfile='0319+415_1ch_phase-time.png', showgui=gui, overwrite=True) # Zoom in to help decide what phase solution interval to use # The similar plot made for amplitude in Step 6 (delay) shows # that the amplitudes are stable for longer. os.system('rm -rf bpcals_precal.p1') gaincal(**) # Check solutions are not just noise plotcal(caltable='bpcals_precal.p1', xaxis='time', yaxis='phase', subplot=321, plotrange=[-1,-1,-180,180], iteration='antenna', figfile='bpcals_precal.p1.png') # Then amp and phase. # Have to do sources separately because of normalisation os.system('rm -rf bpcals_precal.ap1') gaincal(**) gaincal(**) # Check there are no wild solutions plotcal(caltable='bpcals_precal.ap1', xaxis='time', yaxis='amp', subplot=321, iteration='antenna', figfile='bpcals_precal.ap1.png') os.system('rm -rf bpcal.B1') bandpass(**) # Plot bandpass solutions plotcal(caltable='bpcal.B1',xaxis='freq', plotrange=[-1,-1,-180,180], iteration='antenna',yaxis='phase',subplot=321, figfile='bpcal.B1_phase.png') plotcal(caltable='bpcal.B1',xaxis='freq', iteration='antenna',yaxis='amp',subplot=321, figfile='bpcal.B1_amp.png') # Apply delay and bandpass solutions to calibration sources to check # bandpass calibration effect. applycal(**) # Plot baselines to refant plotms(vis='all_avg.ms', field='1302+5748', xaxis='frequency', gridrows=5,gridcols=1,iteraxis='baseline', yaxis='phase',ydatacolumn='data',antenna=antref+'&*', avgtime='600',correlation='LL,RR',overwrite=True, showgui=gui, # change to T to inspect closely coloraxis='scan',plotfile='1302+5748_beforeBP_phase.png') os.system('mv 1302+5748_beforeBP_phase?*.png 1302+5748_beforeBP_phase.png') plotms(vis='all_avg.ms', field='1302+5748', xaxis='frequency', gridrows=5,gridcols=1,iteraxis='baseline', yaxis='amp',ydatacolumn='data',antenna=antref+'&*', avgtime='600',correlation='LL,RR',overwrite=True, showgui=gui, # change to T to inspect closely coloraxis='scan',plotfile='1302+5748_beforeBP_amp.png') os.system('mv 1302+5748_beforeBP_amp?*.png 1302+5748_beforeBP_amp.png') plotms(vis='all_avg.ms', field='1302+5748', xaxis='frequency', gridrows=5,gridcols=1,iteraxis='baseline', yaxis='phase',ydatacolumn='corrected',antenna=antref+'&*', avgtime='600',correlation='LL,RR',overwrite=True, showgui=gui, # change to T to inspect closely coloraxis='scan',plotfile='1302+5748_afterBP_phase.png') os.system('mv 1302+5748_afterBP_phase?*.png 1302+5748_afterBP_phase.png') plotms(vis='all_avg.ms', field='1302+5748', xaxis='frequency', gridrows=5,gridcols=1,iteraxis='baseline', yaxis='amp',ydatacolumn='corrected',antenna=antref+'&*', avgtime='600',correlation='LL,RR',overwrite=True, showgui=gui, # change to T to inspect closely coloraxis='scan',plotfile='1302+5748_afterBP_amp.png') os.system('mv 1302+5748_afterBP_amp?*.png 1302+5748_afterBP_amp.png') # Use BP-corrected data to examine time-dependent fluctuations # Use showgui=True to check for reasonable solution intervals plotms(vis='all_avg.ms', field='1302+5748', xaxis='time', yaxis='phase',ydatacolumn='corrected',antenna=antref+'&*', iteraxis='baseline',avgchannel='64', correlation='LL',overwrite=True, showgui=gui, # change to T to inspect closely coloraxis='spw',plotfile='1302+5748_afterBP_phase-time.png' ) os.system('mv 1302+5748_afterBP_phase-time?*.png 1302+5748_afterBP_phase-time.png') # Zoom in on a few scans. Inspect several baselines including Mk2-Cm. # Also inspect amplitude ### 9) Gain calibration of calibration sources mystep = 9 if(mystep in thesteps): print 'Step ', mystep, step_title[mystep] # Delete any previous models for sources other than 1331+305 delmod(vis='all_avg.ms', field='0319+415,1407+284,1302+5748,1252+5634') # Derive phase solutions os.system('rm -rf calsources.p1') gaincal(**) # Plot solutions plotcal(caltable='calsources.p1',xaxis='time', plotrange=[-1,-1,-180,180], iteration='antenna',yaxis='phase',subplot=321, poln='L',figfile='calsources.p1_L.png') plotcal(caltable='calsources.p1',xaxis='time', plotrange=[-1,-1,-180,180], iteration='antenna',yaxis='phase',subplot=321, poln='R',figfile='calsources.p1_R.png') # Derive amp solutions os.system('rm -rf calsources.ap1') gaincal(**) # Plot solutions plotcal(caltable='calsources.ap1',xaxis='time', iteration='antenna',yaxis='amp',subplot=321, poln='L',figfile='calsources.ap1_L.png') plotcal(caltable='calsources.ap1',xaxis='time', iteration='antenna',yaxis='amp',subplot=321, poln='R',figfile='calsources.ap1_R.png') ### 10) Determine and set the fluxes of the calibration sources mystep = 10 if(mystep in thesteps): print 'Step ', mystep, step_title[mystep] # Gains for 3C286 contain scale from correlator counts to known # flux density in Jy # Compare these with gains for other calibrators to estimate # their flux densities # Choose gainthreshold to get good SNR (trial and error) # Too high a threshold - divergent gains add noise # Too low - little data left, also worsens noise os.system('rm -rf calsources.ap1_flux calsources_flux.txt') calfluxes=fluxscale(vis='all_avg.ms', caltable='calsources.ap1', fluxtable='calsources.ap1_flux', listfile='calsources_flux.txt', gainthreshold=0.3, antenna='!De', # Least sensitive reference='1331+305') eMcalfluxes={} for k in calfluxes.keys(): if len(calfluxes[k]) > 4: a=[] a.append(calfluxes[k]['fitFluxd']*eMfactor) a.append(calfluxes[k]['spidx'][0]) a.append(calfluxes[k]['fitRefFreq']) eMcalfluxes[calfluxes[k]['fieldName']]=a # eMcalfluxes now contains the scaled flux density for each source # Use these to set flux densities of calibrators # See messages for f in eMcalfluxes.keys(): setjy(vis='all_avg.ms', field=f, standard='manual', fluxdensity=eMcalfluxes[f][0], spix=eMcalfluxes[f][1], reffreq=str(eMcalfluxes[f][2])+'Hz') # Plot the models we have just set plotms(vis='all_avg.ms', field=bpcal, xaxis='frequency', yaxis='amp',ydatacolumn='model', coloraxis='spw',correlation='LL', customsymbol=True,symbolshape='circle', showgui=gui, # change to T to inspect closely symbolsize=5,plotfile='bpcal_model.png',overwrite=True) ### 11) Derive bandpass with spectral index mystep = 11 if(mystep in thesteps): print 'Step ', mystep, step_title[mystep] os.system('rm -rf bpcal.B2') bandpass(**) # Plot bandpass solutions plotcal(caltable='bpcal.B2',xaxis='freq', plotrange=[-1,-1,-180,180], iteration='antenna',yaxis='phase',subplot=321, figfile='bpcal.B2_phase.png') plotcal(caltable='bpcal.B2',xaxis='freq', iteration='antenna',yaxis='amp',subplot=321, figfile='bpcal.B2_amp.png') ### 12) Derive new amp solutions for all cal sources with improved bandpass table mystep = 12 if(mystep in thesteps): print 'Step ', mystep, step_title[mystep] os.system('rm -rf calsources.ap2') gaincal(**) # Plot solutions plotcal(caltable='calsources.ap2',xaxis='time', iteration='antenna',yaxis='amp',subplot=321, plotrange=[-1,-1,0.01,0.06], poln='L',figfile='calsources.ap2_L.png') plotcal(caltable='calsources.ap2',xaxis='time', iteration='antenna',yaxis='amp',subplot=321, plotrange=[-1,-1,0.01,0.06], poln='R',figfile='calsources.ap2_R.png') # Generate long solution interval phase solutions to be applied to the # targets only gaincal(**) # Plot solutions plotcal(caltable='calsources.p2',xaxis='time', plotrange=[-1,-1,-180,180], iteration='antenna',yaxis='phase',subplot=321, poln='L',figfile='calsources.p2_L.png') plotcal(caltable='calsources.p2',xaxis='time', plotrange=[-1,-1,-180,180], iteration='antenna',yaxis='phase',subplot=321, poln='R',figfile='calsources.p2_R.png') ### 13) Apply solutions to target sources and calibrators mystep = 13 if(mystep in thesteps): print 'Step ', mystep, step_title[mystep] cals=bases cals.remove(target) for c in cals: applycal(vis='all_avg.ms', field=c, gainfield=[c, '',c,c], calwt=False, applymode='calflag', gaintable=['all_avg.K','bpcal.B2','calsources.p1','calsources.ap2'], interp=['linear','nearest,linear','linear','linear'], flagbackup=False) # Now apply corrections to the target applycal(**) # Plotms - first check phase-ref - is it point-like? plotms(vis='all_avg.ms', field='1302+5748', xaxis='uvdist', yaxis='amp',ydatacolumn='corrected', avgchannel='64',correlation='LL,RR', overwrite=True, showgui=gui, # change to T to inspect closely coloraxis='spw',plotfile='1302+5748_amp-uvdist.png') # If there is just a little bad data, no need to worry if the target # is bright enough to self-calibrate # Check target plotms(vis='all_avg.ms', field='1252+5634', xaxis='uvdist', yaxis='amp',ydatacolumn='corrected', avgchannel='64',correlation='LL,RR', overwrite=True, showgui=gui, # change to T to inspect closely coloraxis='spw',plotfile='1252+5634_amp-uvdist.png') ### 14) Split out corrected target mystep = 14 if(mystep in thesteps): print 'Step ', mystep, step_title[mystep] os.system('rm -rf 1252+5634.ms*') split(vis='all_avg.ms', field='1252+5634', outputvis='1252+5634.ms', keepflags=True) listobs(vis='1252+5634.ms', overwrite=True, listfile='1252+5634.listobs.txt') ### Now make sure that you save 1252+5634.ms for the imaging stages