# Script to image eMERLIN data with CASA 4.2.2 or later # 1252+5634.ms contains target 3C277.1 with all external calibration # applied, including the phase-reference solutions target = '1252+5634' # 3C277.1 antref='Mk2' # refant - usually - change if known to be bad. # Enter step(s) as mysteps ############################# thesteps = [] step_title = {1: 'Check phase-reference calibrated target data', 2: 'Make first target image', 3: 'Choose interval for first phase self-cal', 4: 'First phase self-cal', 5: 'Apply solutions and image', 6: 'Second phase self-cal', 7: 'Apply new phase calibration and image', 8: 'Chose interval for amp self-cal', 9: 'Amplitude self-calibration', 10: 'Apply amp self-cal and image', 11: 'Reweight according to sensitivity', 12: 'Multiscale clean', 13: 'Clean with uvtaper', 14: 'Clean with Briggs robust weighting'} try: print 'List of steps to be executed ...', mysteps thesteps = mysteps except: print 'global variable mysteps not set' if (thesteps==[]): thesteps = range(0,len(step_title)) print 'Executing all steps: ', thesteps ### 1) Check target MS mystep = 1 if(mystep in thesteps): print 'Step ', mystep, step_title[mystep] os.system('rm -rf '+target+'.ms.listobs') listobs(vis=target+'.ms', listfile=target+'.ms.listobs') plotms(vis=target+'.ms', xaxis='uvdist', yaxis='amp', correlation='RR,LL', avgchannel='64', coloraxis='spw', plotfile='3C277.1_uvdist.png', overwrite=True) ### 2) Image target # Use known properties of 3C277.1 as guidance in initial masking. # Expand mask as more emission appears above decreasing noise # in successive cycles. mystep = 2 if(mystep in thesteps): print 'Step ', mystep, step_title[mystep] os.system('rm -rf '+target+'_1.clean*') clean(vis=target+'.ms', imagename=target+'_1.clean', cell='0.012arcsec', niter=700, imsize=512, interactive=True) rms1=imstat(imagename=target+'_1.clean.image', box='10,400,199,499')['rms'][0] peak1=imstat(imagename=target+'_1.clean.image', box='10,10,499,499')['max'][0] print target+'_1.clean.image rms %7.3f mJy' % (rms1*1000.) print target+'_1.clean.image peak %7.3f mJy/bm' % (peak1*1000.) imview(raster={'file': target+'_1.clean.image', 'colormap':'Rainbow 2', 'scaling': -2, 'range': [-1.*rms1, 10.*rms1], 'colorwedge': True}, zoom=2, out=target+'_1.clean.png') plotms(vis=target+'.ms', xaxis='uvdist', yaxis='amp', ydatacolumn='model', correlation='RR,LL', avgchannel='64', coloraxis='spw', plotfile='3C277.1_uvdist_model1.png', overwrite=True) ### 3) Chose interval for first phase self-cal # If you like, inspect phases against time to help decide solint. # However, phase slopes are also due to source structure. # Look at the shortest baseline (Mk2&Pi) # But, inadvisable to use a very short solint while model imperfect. # Half a scan length seems OK. mystep = 3 if(mystep in thesteps): print 'Step ', mystep, step_title[mystep] plotms(vis=target+'.ms', xaxis='time', yaxis='phase', antenna='Mk2&Pi', correlation='RR,LL', avgchannel='64', coloraxis='spw', plotfile='3C277.1_phase_1.png', overwrite=True) ### 4) First phase self-cal mystep = 4 if(mystep in thesteps): print 'Step ', mystep, step_title[mystep] os.system('rm -rf target.p1') gaincal(vis=target+'.ms', calmode='p', caltable='target.p1', field=target, solint='180s', refant=antref, minblperant=2,minsnr=2) # Plot solutions plotcal(caltable='target.p1',xaxis='time', plotrange=[-1,-1,-180,180], iteration='antenna',yaxis='phase',subplot=321, poln='L',figfile='target.p1_L.png') plotcal(caltable='target.p1',xaxis='time', plotrange=[-1,-1,-180,180], iteration='antenna',yaxis='phase',subplot=321, poln='R',figfile='target.p1_R.png') ### 5) Apply phase solutions and image again mystep = 5 if(mystep in thesteps): print 'Step ', mystep, step_title[mystep] applycal(vis=target+'.ms', gaintable='target.p1') # clean phase self-calibrated image os.system('rm -rf '+target+'_p1.clean*') clean(vis=target+'.ms', imagename=target+'_p1.clean', cell='0.012arcsec', niter=1000, # stop before this if residuals reach noise imsize=512, interactive=True) rmsp1=imstat(imagename=target+'_p1.clean.image', box='10,400,199,499')['rms'][0] peakp1=imstat(imagename=target+'_p1.clean.image', box='10,10,499,499')['max'][0] print target+'_p1.clean.image rms %7.3f mJy' % (rmsp1*1000.) print target+'_p1.clean.image peak %7.3f mJy/bm' % (peakp1*1000.) viewer(target+'_p1.clean.image') imview(raster={'file': target+'_p1.clean.image', 'range': [-1.*rmsp1, 20.*rmsp1], 'colorwedge': True}, zoom=2, out=target+'_p1.clean.png') # Has SNR improved? ### 6) Self-cal target #2 # Better model, shorter solution interval # This time, make spectral index image to prepare for amp self-cal mystep = 6 if(mystep in thesteps): print 'Step ', mystep, step_title[mystep] os.system('rm -rf target.p2') gaincal(vis=target+'.ms', calmode='p', caltable='target.p2', field=target, solint='30s', refant=antref, minblperant=2,minsnr=2) # Plot solutions plotcal(caltable='target.p2',xaxis='time', plotrange=[-1,-1,-180,180], iteration='antenna',yaxis='phase',subplot=321, poln='L',figfile='target.p2_L.png') plotcal(caltable='target.p2',xaxis='time', plotrange=[-1,-1,-180,180], iteration='antenna',yaxis='phase',subplot=321, poln='R',figfile='target.p2_R.png') ### 7) Apply new phase calibration and image # This time, make spectral index image to prepare for amp self-cal mystep = 7 if(mystep in thesteps): print 'Step ', mystep, step_title[mystep] applycal(vis=target+'.ms', gaintable='target.p2') # clean phase self-calibrated image os.system('rm -rf '+target+'_p2.clean*') clean(vis=target+'.ms', imagename=target+'_p2.clean', nterms=2, # Make spectral index image cell='0.012arcsec', niter=1000, # stop before this if residuals reach noise imsize=512, interactive=True) rmsp2=imstat(imagename=target+'_p2.clean.image.tt0', box='10,400,199,499')['rms'][0] peakp2=imstat(imagename=target+'_p2.clean.image.tt0', box='10,10,499,499')['max'][0] print target+'_p2.clean.image.tt0 rms %7.3f mJy' % (rmsp2*1000.) print target+'_p2.clean.image.tt0 peak %7.3f mJy/bm' % (peakp2*1000.) viewer(target+'_p2.clean.image.tt0') imview(raster={'file': target+'_p2.clean.image.tt0', 'range': [-1.*rmsp2, 20.*rmsp2], 'colorwedge': True}, zoom=2, out=target+'_p2.clean.png') ### 8) Chose interval for amplitude self-cal mystep = 8 if(mystep in thesteps): print 'Step ', mystep, step_title[mystep] plotms(vis=target+'.ms', xaxis='time', yaxis='amp', ydatacolumn='corrected', antenna='Mk2&Pi', correlation='RR,LL', avgchannel='64', coloraxis='spw', plotfile='3C277.1_amp_1.png', overwrite=True) ### 9) amplitude self-cal mystep = 9 if(mystep in thesteps): print 'Step ', mystep, step_title[mystep] os.system('rm -rf target.ap1') gaincal(vis=target+'.ms', calmode='ap', caltable='target.ap1', field=target, solint='120s', refant=antref, gaintable='target.p2', minblperant=2,minsnr=2) # Plot solutions # If these are all more than ~20% from unity, check for a poor model # If just a few are more than ~20% from unity, check for bad data plotcal(caltable='target.ap1',xaxis='time', iteration='antenna',yaxis='amp',subplot=321, poln='L',figfile='target.ap1_L.png') plotcal(caltable='target.ap1',xaxis='time', iteration='antenna',yaxis='amp',subplot=321, poln='R',figfile='target.ap1_R.png') ### 10) Apply amplitude calibration and image mystep = 10 if(mystep in thesteps): print 'Step ', mystep, step_title[mystep] applycal(vis=target+'.ms', gaintable=['target.p2','target.ap1']) # clean amp&phase self-calibrated image os.system('rm -rf '+target+'_ap1.clean*') clean(vis=target+'.ms', imagename=target+'_ap1.clean', nterms=2, cell='0.012arcsec', niter=1500, # stop before this if residuals reach noise imsize=512, interactive=True) rmsap1=imstat(imagename=target+'_ap1.clean.image.tt0', box='10,400,199,499')['rms'][0] peakap1=imstat(imagename=target+'_ap1.clean.image.tt0', box='10,10,499,499')['max'][0] print target+'_ap1.clean.image.tt0 rms %7.3f mJy' % (rmsap1*1000.) print target+'_ap1.clean.image.tt0 peak %7.3f mJy/bm' % (peakap1*1000.) viewer(target+'_ap1.clean.image.tt0') imview(raster={'file': target+'_ap1.clean.image.tt0', 'range': [-1.*rmsap1, 20.*rmsap1], 'colorwedge': True}, zoom=2, out=target+'_ap1.clean.png') # # 1252+5634_ap1.clean.image.tt0 rms 0.107 mJy # 1252+5634_ap1.clean.image.tt0 peak 172.318 mJy/bm ### 11) Re-weight according to sensitivity # Re-weight the data according to sensitivity (rms in short intervals) mystep = 11 if(mystep in thesteps): print 'Step ', mystep, step_title[mystep] # View weights plotms(vis=target+'.ms', field=target, xaxis='time', yaxis='weight',antenna=antref+'&*', correlation='LL,RR', showgui=gui, coloraxis='antenna2',plotfile='target_weight-time.png', overwrite=True) # The weights may look odd because e-MERLIN weights are not handled # correctly by all versions of CASA # re-weight statwt(vis=target+'.ms') # View weights again plotms(vis=target+'.ms', field=target, xaxis='uvdist', yaxis='weight',antenna=antref+'&*', correlation='LL,RR', showgui=gui, coloraxis='antenna2', plotfile='target_re-weight-uv.png', overwrite=True) ### 12) Multiscale clean # Try searching for multiple scales in clean mystep = 12 if(mystep in thesteps): print 'Step ', mystep, step_title[mystep] # clean amp&phase self-calibrated image os.system('rm -rf '+target+'_ap1_multi.clean*') clean(vis=target+'.ms', imagename=target+'_ap1_multi.clean', nterms=2, cell='0.012arcsec', niter=1500, # stop before this if residuals reach noise multiscale=[0,5,15], imsize=512, interactive=True) # More components are subtracted per cycle so clean runs faster rmsmulti=imstat(imagename=target+'_ap1_multi.clean.image.tt0', box='10,400,199,499')['rms'][0] peakmulti=imstat(imagename=target+'_ap1_multi.clean.image.tt0', box='10,10,499,499')['max'][0] print target+'__ap1_multi.clean.image.tt0 rms %7.3f mJy' % (rmsmulti*1000.) print target+'__ap1_multi.clean.image.tt0 peak %7.3f mJy/bm' % (peakmulti*1000.) ### 13) Different imaging weights: tapering mystep = 13 if(mystep in thesteps): print 'Step ', mystep, step_title[mystep] # Experiment with changing the relative weights given to longer # baselines. Applying a taper reduces this, giving a larger # synthesised beam more sensitive to extended emission. This just # changes the weights during gridding for imaging, no permanent change # to the uv data. However, strong tapering increases the noise. # Look at the uv distance plot and choose an outertaper (half-power of # Gaussian taper applied to data) which is about 2/3 of the longest # baseline. Units are wavelengths, so calculate that or plot amp # v. uvwave os.system('rm -rf '+target+'_ap1_taper.clean*') clean(vis=target+'.ms', imagename=target+'_ap1_taper.clean', cell='0.012arcsec', nterms=2, niter=1500, multiscale=[0,5,15], uvtaper=True, outertaper='2.5e6', imsize=512, interactive=True) rmstaper=imstat(imagename=target+'_ap1_taper.clean.image.tt0', box='10,400,199,499')['rms'][0] peaktaper=imstat(imagename=target+'_ap1_taper.clean.image.tt0', box='10,10,499,499')['max'][0] print target+'_ap1_taper.clean.image.tt0 rms %7.3f mJy' % (rmstaper*1000.) print target+'_ap1_taper.clean.image.tt0 peak %7.3f mJy/bm' % (peaktaper*1000.) ### 14) Different imaging weights: Briggs robust mystep = 14 if(mystep in thesteps): print 'Step ', mystep, step_title[mystep] # Experiment with changing the relative weights given to longer # baselines. Default natural weighting gives zero weight to parts of # the uv plane with no samples. Briggs weighting interpolates between # samples, giving more weight to the interpolated areas for lower # values of robust. For an array like e-MERLIN with sparser sampling # on long baselines, this has the effect of increasing their # contribution, i.e. making the synthesised beam smaller. This may # bring up the jet/core, at the expense of the extended lobes. Low # values of robust increase the noise. For now, remove tapering and # multiscale. os.system('rm -rf '+target+'_ap1_robust.clean*') clean(vis=target+'.ms', imagename=target+'_ap1_robust.clean', cell='0.012arcsec', nterms=2, niter=1500, weighting='briggs', robust=1, imsize=512, interactive=True) rmsrobust=imstat(imagename=target+'_ap1_robust.clean.image.tt0', box='10,400,199,499')['rms'][0] peakrobust=imstat(imagename=target+'_ap1_robust.clean.image.tt0', box='10,10,499,499')['max'][0] print target+'_ap1_robust.clean.image.tt0 rms %7.3f mJy' % (rmsrobust*1000.) print target+'_ap1_robust.clean.image.tt0 peak %7.3f mJy/bm' % (peakrobust*1000.)