IYAS: Software and data for ALMA tutorials

These instructions are for direct downloads to your laptop. If you are using the Virtual Box, this contains the material already.

You need 5-10 G space in total (you can economise if necessary by moving tar files to an external drive after extraction, etc.). The download sizes are:
Main data set sis14_twhya_calibrated_flagged.ms.tar ~0.5 G
Observing Tool ~0.2 G
Additional data ~0.6 G

wget -c http://almanas.jb.man.ac.uk/amsr/IYAS/sis14_twhya_calibrated_flagged.ms.tar
wget -c http://almanas.jb.man.ac.uk/amsr/IYAS/twhya_calibrated_flagged.ms.tar
wget -c http://almanas.jb.man.ac.uk/amsr/IYAS/twhya_cont_clean_ap1.image.tar
wget -c http://almanas.jb.man.ac.uk/amsr/IYAS/twhya_n2hp.image.tar

Observing Tools

See Observing Tool home page. Use the downloaded version if possible to avoid overloading the IYAS internet. This will just be used for a short session; if you cannot make it work, share with a neighbour. The Observing Support Tool is purely web-based.


CASA can be downloaded via the CASA home page, and see CASA installation and testing for how to check it is working. If you encounter problems, first check the CASA home page for operating system compatibility and known workarounds. If that fails, contact your local ARC Node or email amsr@jb.man.ac.uk.


The data used for this tutorial are downloaded using

wget -c http://almanas.jb.man.ac.uk/amsr/IYAS/sis14_twhya_calibrated_flagged.ms.tar
The following are products which you will create during your data reduction but just in case anything goes wrong, you can use:
wget -c http://almanas.jb.man.ac.uk/amsr/IYAS/twhya_calibrated_flagged.ms.tar
wget -c http://almanas.jb.man.ac.uk/amsr/IYAS/twhya_cont_clean_ap1.image.tar
wget -c http://almanas.jb.man.ac.uk/amsr/IYAS/twhya_n2hp.image.tar

These data come from ALMA Project 2011.0.00340.S, "Searching for H2D+ in the disk of TW Hya v1.5", for which the PI is Chunhua Qi. Part of the data for this project have been published in Qi et al. 2013. The tutorial is based on the Imaging Tutorials for CASA beginners, see these for more details and additional methods.

See TWHya_IYAS.html for the tutorial itself.